Benefits of Bergamot essential oil

Our face serum Face It contains Bergamot to give the serum a refreshing scent, but also for the beneficial properties. 

About Bergamot Essential Oil
Bergamot oil is one of the world’s most widely adored citrus oils. The benefits of this oil are numerous and its aromatic profile is so compelling that it has been used for centuries in the perfume and confectionery industries. Bergamot’s bright sweetness has a tendency to produce big smiles when a few drops are added to your diffuser.

When diffused, Bergamot has powerful mood stabilizing effects. It can calm agitated children, is great for promoting clarity in the workspace, and is most revered for its mood elevating effects. Diffuse the beautiful fragrance as a nighttime blend with lavender to promote restful sleep and sweet dreams. Our diffusers make the perfect nightlight for your child’s bedroom. Simply adding a drop to the hands with a deep inhalation can help to calm the emotions and lift the spirits.

Aside from being an absolute staple in your home diffuser stash, this oil also has a natural affinity for the skin and hair. It is a nourishing tonic that will infuse your hair with luster and shine. Add a few drops of Bergamot to your favorite oil and apply to clean hair.

Bergamot Essential Oil Profile
This superior grade of Bergamot is a clean, nuanced citrus oil, with a classic tangy-green top note. It is organically cultivated for Floracopeia in the southern Italian region of Calabria.

How to Use Bergamot Essential Oil
Direct Palm Inhalation: Perhaps the easiest way to use bergamot oil is through a simple direct palm inhalation. Place a drop of this mood balancing oil in the palm of your hand, gently rub the palms together, bring them towards your face and take a deep inhalation. Repeat at any point in your day when you would like to feel uplifted and clarified. As a quick palm inhalation blend, do this with a drop of rose oil to discourage feelings of sadness or melancholy.
Diffuser: Bergamot is one of our favorite oils to keep handy by the diffuser as its sweet fragrance blends well with almost any other oil -- give it a try! It is universally loved by the whole family. We find that children especially find Bergamot enjoyable. Bergamot is a great year round fragrance for creating a fresh, welcoming home.
Please use safety precautions, because citrus and the sun are incompatible. Citrus oils, including bergamot, are phototoxic, and can damage your skin if rubbed on the skin and exposed to sunlight.

Other Ways To Use Bergamot Essential Oil
Apply a drop to support skin health, including the soothing of insect bites or itchy, red skin.
Add several drops to a mister or spray bottle as a natural and pleasant insect repellent.
Dilute one drop of bergamot in 2 tablespoons of warm water. Gargle the mixture to freshen the breath and maintain oral health.
At nighttime, place two drops on a cotton ball and tuck it under your pillowcase before bed for a restful, pleasant sleep.

Ayurvedic Wisdom for Bergamot Essential Oil
According to the ancient healing system of Ayurveda, bergamot essential oil decreases problems caused by Vata and Kapha (the biological forces of wind and phlegm). By balancing "phlegm," bergamot oil helps to reduce sluggishness, complacency and melancholy. Its mood-uplifting qualities support heightened and brightened energy.

Aromatic Profile and Blending of Bergamot Essential Oil
Perfumery Note: Top note
Odor: Complex citrus, tangy-green, sweet, fresh and clean, slightly floral and spicy
Strength of Initial Aroma: Medium
Dry-out: Oily-herbaceous, slightly sweet and somewhat balsamic
Blends Well With: most oils, including other citrus oils, spice oils, rose oil, sandalwood oil, frankincense oil, vetiver oil, lavender oil, jasmine oil, nutmeg oil, ylang-ylang oil, geranium oil, cypress oil, neroli oil, clary sage oil, melissa oil, marjoram oil, angelica
Safety Considerations for Bergamot Essential Oil
Though it is generally non-toxic and non-irritating, bergamot is extremely phototoxic. Do not expose skin to sunlight for 12 hours after application. Repeated use can result in contact sensitization (rotate between different oils). Do not use on children younger than 5 years of age. Do not take bergamot essential oil internally.

Interesting Bergamot Essential Oil Information
Bergamot essential oils are now commonly employed in the place of more expensive, dried bergamot peels. The oil is used in the food and confectionery industry as flavoring for liqueurs, aromatic teas, candies and candied fruits. The juice and skin of the fruit are also used in the agro-alimentary industry for the production of soft drinks, jellies and jams. Bergamot also gives Earl Grey tea its distinctive flavor.

Bergamot was the base for the original French "eau de cologne"; it is still used in many modern-day perfumes to fix the aromatic bouquet and to add a top note of freshness to the fragrance. In the 18th century, bergamot bark was shaped and dried into elaborately decorated boxes, which were highly prized among the French aristocracy.

Bergamot essential oil, a citrus, is not to be confused with the herb bee balm (Monarda didyma).

first published on flora

Our serum Face it has bergamot essential oil


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