Give bees a chance!

Give bees a chance!

Give Bees a Chance: Go Organic!
There are many reasons to buy organic and a major one is to help save the.
Bees pollinate a significant majority of the world's food, but they are disappearing at an alarming rate.

How does going organic help?
The pesticides used in non-organic farming can be lethal to pollinating bees. In some cases they simply kill bees, but in other cases they can make bees slow and drowsy, hinder learning and cognitive function and even affect reproduction. This can eventually lead to the collapse of the entire colony.

Herbicides used to kill weeds in non-organic farming also remove food sources for the bees, further hindering their survival.

Organic farming, on the other hand, avoids the use of these pesticides and herbicides, as well as artificial fertilisers. This provides a rich environment for bees to thrive, with a wider variety of plant life, which further supports other wildlife such as birds and field mice.

The Soil Association claims that plant, insect and bird life is 50% more abundant on organic farms!

Buying more organic produce supports organic farming – the more you buy, the less demand there is for non-organic products, which encourages more farmers to go organic!

You can help protect bees by choosing organic food, grown without these toxic insecticides, and planting bee friendly gardens.

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