Good news Sunday

Sunday’s are great ”Good News” days 🤩
Do you agree? Here are some positives for an optimistic outlook today 💚💚💚
1- Parts of the Great Barrier Reef are showing the best signs of coral recovery in 36 years!
2- There are now enough solar panels around the world to generate 1 terrawatt of electricity.
3- The world’s largest offshore wind farm in Yorkshire is now fully operational and will help to provide renewable energy to more than 1.4 million homes in the UK.
4- Hawaii closed its last coal power plant to focus on greener energy options, removing 1,5 million metric tons of greenhouse gases per year.
5- In the space of a year the number of monarch butterflies 🦋 in California grew from 2’000 to nearly 250’000!
In these times, we all need to hear some good news too
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