Protect your face from harsh weather

Walking may be the simplest and most underrated form of exercise.

There is a lot of information out there about the positives of running and lifting weights, but the simple activity of walking can provide a whole host of benefits too.

Walking is simple, free, and nearly any able-bodied person can do it.

As well as burning calories, studies show that brisk walks may help to reduce the intake of high calorie snacks by half. Walking increases bone strength, every step counts. People who walk at least 1,5km a day have a higher bone density than those who don’t.

Walking is just as effective as running for fighting major diseases.

Regular brisk walking may help to maintain a healthy weight, prevent various conditions including heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and stroke. Improves your cardiovascular fitness level, strengthens bones, muscles, and improves muscle endurance. May improve your mood, sleep, balance, and coordination. Builds up your immune system and reduces stress. Researchers found that walking for 30 minutes, 3 times a week for 3 months had the same mood boosting result as antidepressants.

As for myself, I have a dog who is a very fast walker, come rain or shine, I’m out there walking. I have noticed that my normal winter lows are not as bad since I got my dog Spencer. If it’s very cold or harsh weather I protect my face with All you need is me balm. Since it contains no water but let’s your skin breathe, it’s perfect for protecting the face. My best ideas and thinking also happen out there on the walks.

See you out there :) 

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