All you need is me - organic version of the classic hour cream

All you need is me was the first product and really the reason I started this company. When my son was born, I was looking for something that could help sore nipples when breast feeding and also something I would be confident using on my baby with his sensitive newborn skin. Knowing that everything you put on your skin, eventually ends up in your body.

I searched for healing, natural and organic creams without any cheap fillers. I looked all over but even some of the certified creams only have 10% organic ingredients and the rest could be anything, even things that are bad for you. Where was a balm with concentrated organic ingredients that actually heal but gentle enough to use on a baby. I could not find anything fantastic that I was 100% happy with.

When I returned back to Sweden with a Science of Natural Health degree backing me up, I started researching how to go about to actually produce a balm that would do everything I wanted it to do.

After almost a year of tests and trials, All you need is me was born.

As I am a big believer in recycling and protecting our planet, I didn´t want to use a plastic tube. Luckily there is a Swedish company producing sustainable tubes made out of sugarcane. Now not only using sustainable packaging it also gave the added bonus of harmful poisons from plastic not leaking into our beautiful organic skincare products.

Only weeks after launch, All you need is me won the Tara beauty awards 2014 and later on the cream has won and been nominated for several awards.

We hear back from happy customers all the time. These are some of the ways they use the versatile balm All you need is me:

It has been a big hit with make-up artist who usually use Elisabeth Arden 8-hour cream but have now converted to All you need is me as the organic natural version. It’s also comparable to Vaseline. Vaseline and Elisabeth Arden 8 hour cream are based on mineral oil, not sure you want to use that on your skin? All you need is me has a big following from make-up artist as they use it for shine and as an excellent base under make-up. I'm especially honored that our Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden's make-up artist is a big fan, and I imagine that she has introduced it to the princess.

Mothers love All you need is me for red baby bottoms, cuts, scrapes and dry cheeks.

Hands and dry cuticles is a favorite. Especially great overnight.

People with eczema have had great relief from the balm.

With the gardening season, we hear that All you need is me is the best for rough dry gardening hands.

Others say they used it succesfully on mosquito and other insect bites. The itch and redness just dissappeared.

Sunbathers said after staying too long in the sun, All you need is me is a great relief.

Parents have reported that after their kids touched nettles or other prickly plants, the bumps and pain is gone in minutes.

One woman reported that her brown spots are dissappearing in her face.

All you need is me is excellent as an overnight face mask for dry skin. You will wake up with baby smooth skin.

As there is no water in the balm, it´s great to protect the face from freezing when doing winter sports.


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