Bee (a) savior

A recent report from the Swedish environmental protection agency states that the situation is urgent for bees, butterflies and other pollinators. In Sweden as many as one third of our 270 distinct wild bee species are endangered. The problem of bee decline is not unique to Sweden, it is a huge global problem.
Pesticides, lack of food and a changed landscape threaten our little wild gardeners. It means serious consequences for our future. We are totally dependent on the crucial work of bees and other insects. About a third of the food we humans eat is pollinated by them.

What can you and I do to help? The problem seems overwhelming but there are quite a few small things we can do as individuals to help. If you have a lawn, leave some of it to become a flowery meadow and plant bee friendly flowers. Build a bee hotel, it’s not so complicated, watch and learn from a Youtube clip. Plant bee and butterfly friendly flowers on your balcony. All different butterflies have a special host flower of plant where they deposit their eggs and the caterpillars eventually feed. Caterpillars are particular which host plant they will feed off, so you can choose which butterflies you would like to hopefully visit.
Choose and support organic food, skincare, clothes etc.
Don’t use pesticides in your garden or harsh chemical cleaning and washing detergents in your home. For your families health and the health of our planet.

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