Chihuahua dry skin solution
This is Anouk, a Chinese crested chihuahua with her latest stash of All you need is me. Her skin is silk paper thin and usually cracks during cold weather but not with All you need is me balm Her lovely mommy @teijaea sent me this photo. It’s always so inspiring and makes me so happy to hear that my products have helped someone. Thank you @teijaea 💕
#organicwinterbalm #skinbalm #animalskin #crackedskinbalm #naturalbalm #allyouneedisme #dryskincare #organic #cutedog #chiahuahua
#organicwinterbalm #skinbalm #animalskin #crackedskinbalm #naturalbalm #allyouneedisme #dryskincare #organic #cutedog #chiahuahua