Great things happening 2019
Great things happening 2019. It’s not only gloom and doom. Even if we have a long way to go. Here are some small steps in the right direction.
Many countries and states are banning elephants and other animals from performing at the circus.
A ban on microbeads in personal care products such as shower gels, toothpaste, cleaning products, etc takes effect 2019. These microbeads are so small, they pass through the filters in the water treatment plants and end up in our waters where they absorb toxins and are eaten by marine life and eventually ending up on our plates. Microbeads are not biodegradable so they stay around forever.
There has been a nonsmoking policy in enclosed areas in the EU for several years and from 2019 in Sweden you can no longer smoke in outside cafés, train platforms and outside public buildings. Yay!
Next year 2020 EU is restricting the use of antibiotics in farm animals. Now all farm animals routinely get antibiotics even if they are not sick with the exception on organic farms . Next year only sick animals will get antibiotics. Doesn’t sound very appetizing to me. Livestock farming contributes 18% of human produced greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. This is more than all emissions from ships, planes, trucks, cars and all other transport put together.
We can all contribute by eating less or no meat at all.
Feel good result from a study made 2018 by fishing trawlers in the North Sea, previously they picked up 40% plastic bags, now it’s 16%
It shows that the little things you and me are doing makes a difference.
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Many countries and states are banning elephants and other animals from performing at the circus.
A ban on microbeads in personal care products such as shower gels, toothpaste, cleaning products, etc takes effect 2019. These microbeads are so small, they pass through the filters in the water treatment plants and end up in our waters where they absorb toxins and are eaten by marine life and eventually ending up on our plates. Microbeads are not biodegradable so they stay around forever.
There has been a nonsmoking policy in enclosed areas in the EU for several years and from 2019 in Sweden you can no longer smoke in outside cafés, train platforms and outside public buildings. Yay!
Next year 2020 EU is restricting the use of antibiotics in farm animals. Now all farm animals routinely get antibiotics even if they are not sick with the exception on organic farms . Next year only sick animals will get antibiotics. Doesn’t sound very appetizing to me. Livestock farming contributes 18% of human produced greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. This is more than all emissions from ships, planes, trucks, cars and all other transport put together.
We can all contribute by eating less or no meat at all.
Feel good result from a study made 2018 by fishing trawlers in the North Sea, previously they picked up 40% plastic bags, now it’s 16%
It shows that the little things you and me are doing makes a difference.
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